Introducing “One of the great historical treasures of America—the record of land granted to Adventurers and Planters from overseas and in the course of time to native born Virginians and others, from 1624.
To this wealth of material a comprehensive Index furnishes the key.
The Fruit of devoted industry and zeal, this work must challenge attention as a contribution of the first rank to the published historical documents concerning the earliest permanent British plantation in America and the Commonwealth that emerged from it.”
What did the new 17th century pioneers do in America? Where did they live? Who were their neighbours. Were they an agent or a servant? Who did they have connections with? How did they get there? Who with?
Data fields for entries in this Collection.
First Name | Christopher |
Surname | Jones |
Collection | America |
Unique ID | 120320 |
Source | Cavaliers |
Est. Birth Yr | 1597 |
Country of Origin | England |
Record Type | Patent |
Year | 1642 |
Patent Date | 15 August 1642 [& 27 Oct. 1652] |
Acres | 1,650 [to Thomas Brice for this patent] |
Occupation | |
Category | |
Type | Pioneer |
Location | Virginia |
Residence 1 | Harrises Cr. |
Residence 2 | Cattowoman River |
Residence 3 | N. Side Of Rappa. Riv. |
Town | |
County | Lancaster Co. |
Country | Virginia |
Patent re: | Harrises Cr., Cattowoman River, N. Side of Rappa. Riv., Lancaster Co., Virginia |
PAR8 Pg.272 THOMAS BRICE, 1650 acres Lancaster Co., 27 Oct. 1652, p. 167. On N. side of Rappa. Riv., being part of an Indian Habitation called Old Moraticond & on Nwd. side of the mouth of Harrises Cr., adj. Edward Harris &c. to the deviding Cr. of Cattowoman River, etc. to Faireweathers Cr. &c, crossing Brices Cr. &c. 700 acres by patent dated 15 Aug. 1642, & 200 acres by patent dated 18 Apr. 1650; & the residue for trans, of 15 pers: Christopher Jones, Richard Godfrey, George Beachly, Mary Hancocke, Phill. Chycott, James Beamast, Peirce Cornewall, John Pott, Martha Brice, Fra. Robinson, Thomas Barker
Patents | 77,973 records |
→ Virginian land patents and grants with names, dates and locations. | |
Headrights | 6,378 records |
→ The names of patent holders/ headrights in America. | |
Virginians | 8,424 records |
→ Virginian home and land addresses to the nearest neighbour and creek. | |
Creeks | 21,104 records |
→ Individuals associated with Virginian creeks by residence or patent. | |
Rivers | 47,614 records |
→ Individuals associated with Virginian rivers by residence or patent. | |
Virginian Counties | 74,408 records |
→ Individuals grouped by Virginian counties. | |
Jamestowners | 7,027 records |
→ Individuals living in James City. | |
Neighbours | 3,521 records |
→ Individuals recorded as Virginian neighbours. | |
Caribbean | 1,297 records |
→ Early Caribbean migrants. |
For the very first time, to our knowledge, this whole book has been transcribed by ourselves and digitised into genealogically precious data to do justice to the original endeavours. The database shows non-conformists, where they lived and how they were treated: The Establishment, Judiciary and Law and Order. Even spies and spiteful clergy…
Data from the America collection shows those associated with Mobjack Bay and where.
Page | Par | Type | Title | First | Surname | Details | Creek/River | Bay |
243 | 13 | Headright | William | Deines | Neighbour | Geo. Levels Cr. | Mobjack Bay | |
243 | 13 | Pioneer | George | Level | Neighbour | Geo. Levels Cr. | Mobjack Bay | |
243 | 13 | Headright | Edmond | Dawber | Former patentee | Geo. Levels Cr. | Mobjack Bay | |
227 | 10 | Headright | Captain | Augustine | Warner | Former patentee | Severne River | Mobjack Bay |
227 | 10 | TRANSPORTED | John | Haward | Subject of patent | Severne River | Mobjack Bay | |
227 | 10 | TRANSPORTED | Mary | Gragg | Subject of patent | Severne River | Mobjack Bay |
Their full entries reveal more:-
WM DEYNES (Deines), 2,400 acs, beg. at the S. side of a creek in the Northermost river of Mobjack bay, which Cr. divides this from land of Geo. Levels, extending W. N. W. thence S. S. W. thence E. S. E. to the river, parallel to the same, and to the mouth of the creek where it began. Formerly granted unto Edmond Dawber 18 Nov. 1642; renewed in his name 18 Mar. 1649 & since deserted; granted by order of Assembly 1652 to sd. Deynes & also due him for trans, of 48 pers.* 19 Mar. 1652, p. 32
Par 13, Pg. 243
CAPT. AUGUSTINE WARNER, 80 acres lying on the S. side of a run falling into the head of Severne in Mobjack Bay & beg. at his former devdt., etc. 6 Oct. 1653, p. 2. Trans, of 2 pers: John Haward, Mary Gragg.
Par 10, Pg. 227
There are 1,023 people registered in the database as slaves. There are many more listed as servants who would also have been victims of slavery. There are also many English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh.
For those of African origin, the only trace of their identity remaining is almost always a given name, inevitably of Western origin. Most have no name recorded but there are 331 with a name. Now, at last, these people can be remembered. Out of all of them there were only 8 with a given name and surname:-
1635 | Solomon | Dorillios |
1642 | Hanna | Capp |
1653 | Richard | Johnson |
1654 | John | Johnson |
1655 | Anthony | Johnson |
1664 | William | England |
1664 | Richard | Stockdale |
1664 | Richard | Wright |
Nathaniel Bacon is mentioned in the following patents:-
The first patent was issued on 23 March 1652, for 1,075 acres at a branch of Pagan Creek, Isle of Wight County beginning at the southern end at Cross Creek where Anthony Jones’ land begins and to the boundary of William Smith’s land bordering that of John Sparkes. The contractual obligation required for this grant of land involved the transportation of 24 people: Richard Morganson, William Harwood, Henry Bisshop, Robert Hall, Robert Glan, Thomas Hyett, Thomas Charles, John Grymes, Rowland Happ, Hector Hutchinson, William Crawle, Duning Glasse, Frances Armstrong, James Wilson, Andrew Hutchinson, Stuart O’Neale, John Ward, John Banks, Mary Walker, John Appleby, John Bridge, James Hunter, Martin Dudgill and William Parry. This grant was renewed on 16 February 1663.
A further patent was signed on 9 June 1658, for 300 acres of land on the north east side of Mattapony River, bounded from the southern corner of Thomas Sanders’ land with Arrakiacoe Swamp, originally granted as part of 382 acres to John Hudson and John Garrett on 6 June 1655, under the obligation to transport 6 people.
Bacon was a planter who, with his wife Elizabeth and heiress daughter, together with the late Richard Kingsmill, planted 80 acres of land subject to a patent granted on 6 November 1661 to Nicholas Merywether. This land lay towards the southern end of Kingsmill Creek bound on the east side by the main river and at the northern end by the back Creek and at the north by a small creek bordering Mr. James’ land subject to the transportation of Thomas Dorr and Richard Ellis.
A patent dated 22 March 1664/5 for 2000 acres for Colonel Nathaniell Bacon at the boundary up on the freshes of the south side of Yorke River in New Kent Co upon the freshes at a marked poplar forming the upper boundary with the land of Captain William Bassett and Captain Phillip Ludwell, bounded by the river up to a marked red oak by the edge of the river and the woods W.S.W. to the upper line of Bassett & Ludwell’s land, and 345 poles to the edge. The contractual obligation was the transfer of 40 passengers: Peter Key, Ann Browne, Thomas Hancock, John Morgan, John Senton, Margaret Wilson, William Floyd, Rachaell Boras, John Runner, Richard Taylor, Ann Owen, Henry Norman, John Fisher, William Thomas, David Hamlett, Thomas Lawrence, Faith Chaire, Evan the Welshman, and 7 more by assignment from Captain Gunnell, John Birch, 9 black (slaves); Thomas Cort, Elizabeth Davies, Elizabeth, Roman Barboe and Thomas Michell.
1652 Res/ patent: Pagan Cr. Isle of Wight Co. Virginia, NATHANIEL BACON, 1,075 acres Isle of Wight Co., 23 Mar. 1652, p. 189. Upon a branch of Pagan Cr., beg. at Southermost point of Cross Cr. where Anthony Jones land begins &c. to where William Smiths lands begins &c. to miles end of John Sparkes land &c. Trans, of 22 pers: Richard Morganson, William Harwood, Henry Bisshop, Robert Hall, Robert Glan, Thomas Hyett, Tho. Charles, John Grymes, Row. Happ, Hector Hutchinson, Wm. Crawle, Duning Glasse, Fra. Armstrong, James Wilson, Andre. Hutchinson, Oneale Stuart, John Ward, John Banks. Mary Walker, John Appleby, John Bridge, James Hunter, Dudgill Martin, William Parry. 125 acres due…
Par 11 Pg. 275
1652 Res/ patent: Pagan Cr. Isle of Wight Co. Virginia, COL NATHANIEL BACON, Esq., 1075 acres Isle of Wight Co., 16 Feb. 1663, p. (200). Upon a br. of Pagan Cr., beg. at S.most part of Cross Cr. where Anthony Jones’ land begins, over the Cr. N.E. by N. & to where William Smiths line begins, thence N.E. bv N. &c. to miles end of John Sparks land. Renewal of patent dated 23 Mar. 1652
Par 10 Pg. 478
1658 Res/ patent: Mattaponi River New Kent Co. Virginia, NATHANIELL BACON, 300 acres New Kent Co., 9 June 1658, p. 237, (335). On N.E. side of Mattapony Riv., bounded from Southermost corner of Thomas Sanders land, unto Arrakiacoe Swampe. Granted to John Hudson & John Garrett, 6 June 1655, 382 assigned by Hudson unto John Bull & by sd. Bull & Garrett assigned unto sd. Bacon. Trans, of 6 pers.’
Par 16 Pg. 381
1661 Res/ patent: Kings Mill Cr. Virginia, NICHOLAS MERYWETHER, 80 acres James City Island, 6 Nov. 1661, p. 292, (397). Sly. on Kings Mill Cr., Ely. on the main river, Nly. on the back Cr., & Nly. on a small cr. & Mr. James land. Formerly planted & seated by Richard Kingsmill, dec’d., who was an ancient planter in this country, & by Nathanaell Bacon, Esqr. & Elizabeth, his wife, only daughter & heire of sd. Kingsmill, assigned to sd. Merywether with rights for the same & for trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Dorr, Richard Ellis
Par 10 Pg. 394
1665 Res/ patent: , Bounding Upon The River Up >. S. Side Of Yorke Riv. Upon New Kent Co. Virginia, COLL NATHANIELL BACON, Esqr., 2000 acres New Kent Co., 22 Mar. 1.665/6, p. 479, C585>. S. side of Yorke Riv. upon the freshes thereof, beg. at a marked poplar being the upper bounds of land belonging to Capt. Wm. Bassett & Capt. Phillip Ludwell, bounding upon the river up unto a marked red oak by the river side, thence into the woods W.S.W. 345 po., thence S. &c. to upper line of sd. land of Bassett & Ludwell, thence downe sd. line 345 po. to beg. Trans, of 40 pers: Peter Key, Ann Browne, Tho. Hancock, Jno. Morgan, Jno. Senton, Margtt. Wilson, Wm. Floyd, Rachaell Boras, Jno. Runner, Richd. Taylor, An Owen, Henry Norman, Jno. Fisher, Wm. Thomas, David Hamlett, Tho. Lawrence, Faith Chaire, Evan (a) Welchman, 7 more by assig’mt. from Capt. Gunnell, Jno. Birch, 9 [slaves]; Thomas Cort, Eliz. Davies, Eliz. , Roman Barboe, Thomas Michell.’
Par 6 Pg. 547