



Family Trees

Choose the family tree package that’s right for you. If you’re not sure which to choose, please ask. We’re here to help! Scroll down to compare trees.

Pewter Tree

Family tree of 1 surname line to the mid-19th century. Includes 1 key record worth £29, two tree diagrams and standard report.


Silver Tree

Family tree of 1 surname line to the mid or early 19th century.  Includes 3 key records worth around £90. Two tree diagrams and beautiful online chronicle of about 180 pages.


Golden Tree

Family tree of 1 surname line to the late 18th century. Includes 4 key records worth around £120. Includes beautiful digital chronicle of at least 200 pages and 4 tree charts.


Platinum Tree

Family tree gift of 1 surname line back to the late 17th century. Includes 5 key records worth around £150 and a beautiful online chronicle of over 200 pages.


Pedigree Tree

Family tree of one line back to the Elizabethan 16th century where possible. Includes 10 key records worth £290.


Pedigree Tree Plus

Family tree of FOUR lines back to the Elizabethan 16th century where possible. Includes 4 chronicles in hardback and 24 key records.


Choose from our range of family trees ranging from Queen Victoria to Elizabeth the First.

We have payment plans to help you get there. 

Our Family Tree Products at a Glance

Product NamePewterSilverGoldPlatinumPedigree Pedigree+
Earliest centuries researchedMid 19thMid19thLate 18thLate 17th16th/17th16th/17th
Records we need to researchCivil &
Civil &
Civil &
Civil &
Civil, Parish,
Civil, Parish,
Family Tree Lines*111114
Key records included13451024
Digital Tree Charts224444
Canvas Trees (42 inch)£125£125£125£125£1252 included
Digital Chronicles (180-300 pages)011114
Hardback Book Chronicles (180-300 pages)000004
Maximum instalments2223410
Initial Payment£124.50£197.50£297.50£298.33£298.75£499.50

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