



Atlantic Mission User Guide

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The Advanced Search Interface

Advanced Search is a powerful facility which allows you to focus on whatever interests you about your target records with database fields revealing the sort of data you can find, including different subject types, categories and people.

We will soon be introducing search wildcards for the surname but in the meantime you can search with an abbreviation of any string of letters so ‘JO’ will pick up people with surnames JONES, JOHNSON, JONSON etc but JONE will pick up JONES only.


Choose your priority from three main collections: Britain (residence, identity, activities); Atlantic (migration, servant and transportation), America (land grants, residence and ownership).

Leave blank and all locations from Britain over the Atlantic to America will be shown in chronological order.

Fine tune the Britain, Atlantic to America collections here.


Use keywords across the whole record (including relevant paragraph extracts) to drill down further into matters of interest to you. Quick address keyword will bring up those living where you specify, such as small villages in England, areas of London, or Virginian river, creeks and bays.

Status Dropdown List

Dropdown lists are included so you know what data can be found. This one will find anyone from slaves to agents; from civilians to Royalty and land and people agents to those transported.

Record Type Dropdown List

Find births, persecution, Quaker records, Virginians and voyages, etc.

Offences Dropdown List

Look back at an entirely different world to locate 17th century offences faced by those who displeased the church and state, such as marrying, going to school and wearing the hat.

Punishment Dropdown List

See what punishments they faced after breaking the laws, from imprisonment to banishment.

Country of Origin Dropdown List

See where they were from…

Destination Dropdown List

…and where they were going.

Acreage and Transportation Dropdown Lists

Classify individuals into those who had least/ most acres and transported least or most people to get land.

Select your currency