Family tree of one line back to the mid 16th century.
- Includes a beautifully-crafted online chronicle about the lives and times of your ancestors including maps, censuses, records, photographs of key locations, key facts and news articles. The chronicle can be converted to glossy hardback book format at a later date (additional costs apply).
- Includes 10 key records worth around £290.
- Four professional family tree charts with varying degrees of detail as follows:- One with basic information; another showing how every relative is related to yourself or another key individual; one with intermediate details; and one with all details including birth, marriage, death, census and residential information from over the centuries.
We trace your line back back to the mid 16th century through censuses, civil, parish, probate and other records, where possible. A substantial degree of additional work is required to get back this far.
You may want to focus on some of your ancestors and their relatives in more detail. Birth, marriage, death, baptisms and burial records are also available, tailored to your needs in order to tell the whole story.